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Quantitative and qualitative research to provide insights, identify market gaps, product concept testing, post-launch evaluation, advert testing, price positioning, etc.

BRD decision drivers

Bovine Respiratory Disease is a major concern especially on beef rearing farms.  What are the 1st and 2nd line options available to vets?  What are the farmer's attitudes?  What protocols are set and do farmers respect them?

Method: F2F in depth interviews with beef and dairy cattle vets.

New Myxomatosys vaccine evaluation

Before carrying out a quantitative study to determine market size, price positioning, etc., a qualitative phase was undertaken to obtain a general indication of the market and prepare for the quantitative stage.

"Today I have presented the findings of the quantitative part of the Myxo survey.  I was really impressed how close you have been with the qual interviews to the real situation."

Web Focus Group for new Spot On advert testing

Dog and cat owners were brought together via web focus groups to test different advert options for a new Spot On product.  Different images, text, titles, messages were evaluated, Importance of message understanding, image associations, impact, feelings, perceptions, as well as brand recognition and influence.

Method: Web focus groups

Sustainable agriculture & farmer compliance

A study to ascertain why farmers still don't always follow all the rules to meet compliance: what drives them to "cut corners", what can be done to achieve higher compliance, what benefits they derive from adopting certain schemes, what needs to be changed to procedures and bureaucratic requirements.

Method: telephone IDIs


Is your company the number 1 "top of mind"? Why is a competing product preferred? What triggers users to purchase a product? How much more would users be prepared to pay for a product with certain characteristics?

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